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Performance Networks is celebrating a decade in business!

We’re immensely proud to share that our business, Performance Networks, recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary.

We’re immensely proud to share that our business, Performance Networks, recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary.

This is a big announcement for us! A significant milestone. From something that started out in 2012, with the two founders, Will Evans and David Ballard, setting up a company around a dining room table, we’ve grown into a thriving team of 20.

In that time, we’ve achieved some incredible things. Most notably, winning huge contracts with iconic venues like the Alexandra Palace and the Manchester Central Convention Complex

They’re the big wins, but we’ve had so many smaller wins along the way that have been equally significant. Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic was a big one for us, but we’re also proud to have become ISO 27001 accredited in that time and also joined a growing list of inspiring global businesses that have signed up to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).

None of what we have achieved would have been possible without the team that has built up here. There are some members of our team that have been around nearly as long as our two founders, including Triston Hope, our support desk team leader, who has been with us for nine years. There’s also Michael (Hart), Tim (Parks-Rolfe), and Ross (Spence) who’ve been with us for around eight years.

This is what Will Evans had to say:

“We started the business back in 2012 and during that time we’ve had to overcome some interesting trials and tribulations. 

It certainly wasn’t easy. The first two or three years were really difficult as we tried to compete with established players in the industry. But by year three, we really started to get a hold and have just grown from there.

But it’s been a journey and we’ve had a great time with it, growing a business that started with just myself and David at a dining room table, a server humming away in the corner, into what is now, a thriving team of 20.

As a business, we’ve always been agile in what we do. The pandemic really emphasised that and the fact that we navigated it pretty well is a testament to that. We can’t forget the role the team has played as part of that. They’re a big part of how we’ve grown to the position that we are in.” 

And here’s what David Ballard said about hitting the milestone:

“In 2012, a lot of devices were connected to the internet via WiFi. It was relatively important that you had a stable connection. But right now in 2022, most devices are connected via WiFi. Simply put, if you don’t have a fast & stable WiFi connection you are up the creek, so to speak (well losing productivity)!

Everything is now cloud-based and WiFi has become the access medium of choice.. Just the amount of bandwidth we now shift is incomparable to what it was 10 years ago. The landscape has completely changed.

And because of that, you need to be agile in order to thrive. That’s been our greatest strength. When myself and Will first started out, Will handled the sales and I dealt with all the technology. As we have grown, though, we’ve both had to learn each other’s roles in order to be successful. You have to be constantly adding to your skills – not just in the field you’re operating in, but also to what is happening around the world.”

Here’s to the next decade!

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