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How A WiFi Network Can Help Transform Your Business

Whether you’re running a bed and breakfast business, a café owner, or managing an office of over 200 professionals, then having a strong WiFi network is almost an expectation from customers these days. But what are the actual benefits to your business of having a strong WiFi network in place?

If you have to explain things to a senior manager or argue the case as to why you need to install a well-performing wireless network, then here are some solid reasons that can be used to get the full backing of your business.

Capture Customer Data

One of the best business cases for investing in a wireless network is that you’ll be able to make use of customer data. Using tools such as our SupaFi Portal means that you’ll be able to gather customer data, such as their email addresses, their Facebook profile information, and their geographical locations, to really build up an incredibly robust profile of just who is passing through your premises. That means you’ll be able to target them with any promotions or offers, as well as better broadcast your own services by social sharing.

Save Time and Money

A wireless network in an office setting is incredibly useful for modern ways of working. From taking laptops or iPads into meetings to pull up company information at the touch of a button, through to video conference calls to save having to travel around the country – even the world – to do business, then having a fast wireless network will save time and money for you in the long run.

Broadcasting Your Business

If you run an event, museum or café, then having a fast wireless network in place will enable people to share their daily experiences – via photos or videos – in an instant. When users do this, they’ll be checking in at your café, which appears in their social feeds; or sharing photos from your event, broadcasting that to a network of like-minded friends and family across Facebook or Twitter. That means free, organic promotion for your brand or site, creating a level of awareness that wouldn’t have existed before.

Repeat custom and new ways of thinking

In the case of restaurants and cafes in particular, installing a wireless network is a great way of bringing customers back into your premises. Indeed, bringing people in to use WiFi has led to the creation of alternative business models, where customers pay for the time they spend at a location rather than for what they consume there. That means having a fast, reliable wireless network is the lifeblood of the business.

Preparing for the Internet of Things

Smart technology isn’t just the future – it’s already here. From security cameras and cars, to fitness trackers, appliances and thermostats, we’re interacting with objects and devices in new, highly connected ways. The future rate of technology changes is incredibly rapid and this provides new data opportunities all the time. By making the most of having a wireless network you’ll be able to build up a picture of how people are using new, smart devices, and that could give your businesses a competitive edge. By having a robust and safe WiFi network in place, you’ll also be future-proofed for when more devices come online – which they inevitable will.

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